Godot’s Hidden Gems: Top features you might not know!

Godot’s Hidden Gems: Uncover the Lesser-Known Features that Make This Engine a Game Developer’s Dream!

11 Min Read

Godot is an open-source game engine that has been gaining popularity in recent years for its flexibility, ease of use, and active community. While its main features, such as the node system and the scripting language, are well-known, there are many hidden gems in Godot that can make your game development experience even better. In this article, we’ll dive into some of these lesser-known features and see how they can make your projects shine!

1. GDNative: Create High-Performance Plugins

What is GDNative?

GDNative is a native extension system for Godot that allows you to write high-performance game code and plugins using languages like C++, Rust, and D. This feature is beneficial if you need to optimize specific parts of your game or create custom modules without the need to recompile the entire engine.

How to Use GDNative

To use GDNative, you’ll need to create a dynamic library that exports functions that Godot can call. After setting up a GDNativeLibrary resource and linking it to your dynamic library, you can start using your native code within Godot.


extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_gdnative_init(godot_gdnative_init_options *o) {
    // Initialization code

extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_gdnative_terminate(godot_gdnative_terminate_options *o) {
    // Termination code

extern "C" void GDN_EXPORT godot_nativescript_init(void *handle) {
    // Register native functions

2. Visual Shader Editor: Create Stunning Effects with Ease

What is the Visual Shader Editor?

The Visual Shader Editor is a powerful tool in Godot that allows you to create custom shaders using a node-based interface. It enables you to create complex materials and visual effects without writing a single line of shader code.

How to Use the Visual Shader Editor

To start using the Visual Shader Editor, create a new VisualShader resource in your project. Then, assign the VisualShader to a material, and you can start building your shader using the editor.

# Create a new VisualShader resource
var visual_shader = VisualShader.new()

# Assign the VisualShader to a material

3. Animation Blending: Smoothly Transition Between Animations

What is Animation Blending?

Animation blending is a technique that allows you to smoothly transition between different animations. In Godot, this is achieved using the AnimationTree node, which enables you to blend animations using different blend modes and control the blending using parameters.

How to Use Animation Blending

To set up animation blending in Godot, you’ll need to create an AnimationTree node and assign an AnimationPlayer node to it. After that, you can build your animation blend tree using the AnimationTree’s editor.

# Create an AnimationTree node
var animation_tree = AnimationTree.new()

# Assign an AnimationPlayer to the AnimationTree
animation_tree.animation_player = $AnimationPlayer

# Set the tree root
animation_tree.tree_root = AnimationNodeBlendTree.new()

4. YSort: Efficiently Render 2D Scenes with Depth

What is YSort?

YSort is a Godot node that can help you efficiently render 2D scenes by automatically sorting its children based on their Y-coordinate. This feature is especially useful for top-down or isometric games, where you want to render objects in the correct order to create the illusion of depth.

How to Use YSort

Using YSort is as simple as adding a YSort node to your scene and making your 2D objects its children. Godot will then automatically handle the sorting of these objects, rendering them in the correct order based on their Y-coordinate.

# Create a YSort node
var y_sort = YSort.new()

# Add it to the scene

# Add your 2D objects as children of the YSort node

5. Built-in Pathfinding: Create Intelligent Characters with Ease

What is Godot’s Built-in Pathfinding?

Godot provides built-in support for pathfinding using the A* algorithm, making it easier to create intelligent characters that can navigate complex environments. This feature is beneficial for creating NPCs that can avoid obstacles and follow the player in real-time.

How to Use Godot’s Built-in Pathfinding

To use Godot’s built-in pathfinding, you’ll need to create a Navigation2D or Navigation node, depending on whether you’re working in 2D or 3D. Then, you can create a NavigationPolygonInstance (2D) or NavigationMeshInstance (3D) to define the walkable areas for your characters.

# Create a Navigation2D node
var navigation = Navigation2D.new()

# Add it to the scene

# Create a NavigationPolygonInstance
var nav_poly_instance = NavigationPolygonInstance.new()

# Assign a NavigationPolygon with your walkable area
nav_poly_instance.navpoly = NavigationPolygon.new()

# Add the NavigationPolygonInstance as a child of the Navigation2D node

These hidden gems in Godot can significantly improve your game development experience and help you create more complex and engaging games. By exploring these features, you can unlock the full potential of this powerful engine and take your projects to new heights!

For more Godot tips and tutorials, check out these articles on our site:

Creating Immersive NPC AI in Godot
Creating Procedural Terrain and Landscapes in Godot
Implementing Interactive Music and Sound in Godot Games
How to get started in game development
Introducing Godot 4: The Next Generation

6. Customizable Input Mapping: Create More Intuitive Controls

What is Godot’s Input Mapping?

Godot’s input mapping system allows you to create custom input actions and map them to specific keyboard, mouse, or controller inputs. This feature enables you to design more intuitive controls for your game while also making it easier to support multiple input devices.

How to Use Godot’s Input Mapping

To create custom input actions, you’ll need to open the Project Settings and navigate to the “Input Map” tab. From there, you can add, modify, or remove input actions and assign specific keybindings, mouse buttons, or controller inputs to them.

# In your script, use the custom input action
func _input(event):
    if event.is_action_pressed("your_custom_action"):
        # Perform the action

7. Real-time Global Illumination: Enhance Your Game’s Visuals

What is Real-time Global Illumination?

Real-time Global Illumination (GI) is a rendering technique that simulates the way light bounces off surfaces in a scene. In Godot, this feature is available through the GIProbe node, which provides real-time indirect lighting for your 3D scenes. By incorporating GI, you can achieve more realistic and visually appealing environments in your game.

How to Use Real-time Global Illumination in Godot

To use real-time Global Illumination in Godot, you’ll need to add a GIProbe node to your scene and configure its properties to suit your needs.

# Create a GIProbe node
var gi_probe = GIProbe.new()

# Add it to the scene

# Set the extents of the GIProbe to cover your scene
gi_probe.extents = Vector3(100, 100, 100)

8. Animation Blending: Create Smooth Character Transitions

What is Animation Blending?

Animation blending is the process of smoothly transitioning between different animations by interpolating their frames. In Godot, the AnimationTree node enables you to create complex animation blending trees, which allows you to seamlessly blend between multiple animations and create more fluid character movements.

How to Use Animation Blending in Godot

To use animation blending in Godot, you’ll need to create an AnimationTree node and configure it with an AnimationNodeBlendTree as its root.

# Create an AnimationTree node
var anim_tree = AnimationTree.new()

# Set the AnimationPlayer node to use for the animations
anim_tree.anim_player = $"AnimationPlayer"

# Create an AnimationNodeBlendTree as the root of the AnimationTree
anim_tree.root_motion_track = "root"
anim_tree.tree_root = AnimationNodeBlendTree.new()

# Add your animations and configure the blending
# ...

These lesser-known features in Godot can significantly improve your game development experience and help you create more complex and engaging games. By exploring these hidden gems, you can unlock the full potential of this powerful engine and elevate your projects to new heights!

For more Godot tips and tutorials, check out these articles on our site:

Creating Immersive NPC AI in Godot
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The Ultimate Guide to API Integration: Connecting Your App with RESTful Services Using Postman and Swagger
For more information on Godot and its features, visit the official Godot Engine website and Godot documentation.


Godot is a powerful game engine packed with features that can help you create amazing games, and the hidden gems we’ve discussed in this article can help you elevate your projects even further. By exploring these lesser-known aspects of the engine, you can take advantage of Godot’s full potential and create more engaging and immersive experiences for your players. So go ahead, dive in and unlock the full power of Godot!

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