Godot Tween: Animate Your Game Objects Smoothly

6 Min Read

Godot Tween is a powerful and flexible node that allows you to create smooth animations for your game objects. By utilizing the Tween node, you can create complex animations with ease, without the need for a dedicated animation system. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the basics of Godot Tween, its properties, and how to create various animations using Tween’s built-in methods.

Understanding Godot Tween

A Tween node in Godot is a versatile tool that interpolates properties or methods of any object over a specified duration. It can handle various interpolation types, easing functions, and can even repeat or reverse animations. This makes it perfect for creating smooth and efficient animations for your game characters, UI elements, or any other game object.

Before diving into the specifics of how to create animations using Tween, let’s first take a look at some of its essential properties:

  • playback_process_mode: Determines the process mode of the Tween. It can be set to either “Physics” or “Idle” mode, depending on your animation requirements.
  • repeat: Specifies whether the Tween should repeat its animations after completion. If set to true, the Tween will loop indefinitely.
  • speed_scale: Controls the overall speed of the Tween animations. A value of 1.0 means normal speed, while a value of 2.0 would play the animations twice as fast.

Creating Animations with Godot Tween

1. Adding a Tween Node

First, add a Tween node to your scene as a child of the object you want to animate. If you want to animate multiple objects, consider adding the Tween node to a common parent node.

2. Configuring Tween Properties

Once you’ve added the Tween node, configure its properties to suit your animation needs. For example, if you want the animation to play in the physics process mode, set the “playback_process_mode” property to “Physics”.

3. Creating an Animation

To create an animation, use the `interpolate_property` or `interpolate_method` methods of the Tween node. Here’s an example of animating the position of a sprite:

# Target object to animate
var sprite = $Sprite

# Animation properties
var initial_position = Vector2(0, 0)
var target_position = Vector2(100, 100)
var duration = 1.0

# Tween node reference
var tween = $Tween

# Create the animation
tween.interpolate_property(sprite, "position", initial_position, target_position, duration, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)

In this example, we’re animating the position of a sprite from (0, 0) to (100, 100) over a duration of 1 second, using linear interpolation and ease-in-out easing function.

4. Starting the Animation

After creating the animation, you need to start the Tween using the `start` method:


Now, the Tween node will begin animating the target object according to the specified parameters.

Using Different Interpolation Types and Easing Functions

Godot Tween offers various interpolation types and easing functions to give you more control over your animations. This allows you to create animations that feel more natural and appealing to the eye.

Interpolation Types

Interpolation types define the way values change over time. Godot Tween provides several interpolation types, such as:

  • TRANS_LINEAR: A simple linear interpolation. The values change at a constant rate.
  • TRANS_QUAD: Quadratic interpolation. The values change at an accelerating or decelerating rate.
  • TRANS_CUBIC: Cubic interpolation. The values change at a rate defined by a cubic equation.
  • TRANS_QUART: Quartic interpolation. The values change at a rate defined by a quartic equation.
  • TRANS_QUINT: Quintic interpolation. The values change at a rate defined by a quintic equation.

You can set the interpolation type when calling the `interpolate_property` or `interpolate_method` methods, as shown in the previous example.

Easing Functions

Easing functions determine how the animation progresses over time. Some common easing functions in Godot Tween are:

  • EASE_IN: Starts the animation slowly and accelerates towards the end.
  • EASE_OUT: Starts the animation quickly and decelerates towards the end.
  • EASE_IN_OUT: Combines both EASE_IN and EASE_OUT, creating a smooth acceleration and deceleration throughout the animation.
  • EASE_OUT_IN: A variation of EASE_IN_OUT, with a more abrupt start and end.

Like interpolation types, you can set the easing function when calling the `interpolate_property` or `interpolate_method` methods.


Godot Tween is an invaluable tool for creating smooth and efficient animations in your games. By understanding its properties and methods, you can create complex animations with ease, bringing your game objects to life. Remember to experiment with different interpolation types and easing functions to find the perfect animation style for your game.

For more information on Godot and its various features, check out these articles:

Good luck, and happy animating!

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