Resource Interpreted as Stylesheet But Transferred Incorrectly

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Resource Interpreted as Stylesheet But Transferred with MIME Type text/html: How to Resolve This Issue

As a web developer, you may occasionally encounter warnings or errors related to MIME types, such as “Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html.” This message typically occurs when a browser receives an incorrect MIME type for a resource, causing it to misinterpret the content. In this article, we’ll explore what MIME types are, why this error occurs, and how to resolve it.

What Are MIME Types?

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) types are used to specify the content type of a file, helping browsers and servers understand how to handle different file formats. When a browser requests a file from a server, the server responds with the file’s content and its MIME type. The browser uses the MIME type to determine how to process and render the file.

For example, an HTML file has a MIME type of “text/html,” while a CSS file’s MIME type is “text/css.” If a server sends a CSS file with the MIME type “text/html,” the browser might interpret the file as an HTML document instead of a stylesheet, leading to rendering issues or the aforementioned warning.

Causes of the Error

The “Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html” error can arise from several factors:

  • An incorrectly configured server: The server might not be set up to serve the correct MIME type for the requested file, causing the browser to receive the wrong information.
  • Improper file referencing: A typo or an incorrect file path in the HTML <link> element can result in the browser interpreting the file as HTML instead of CSS.
  • Missing or incorrect file extension: If a CSS file is missing its “.css” extension or has a different extension, the server might not recognize it as a stylesheet and serve it with an incorrect MIME type.

Solutions to Resolve the Error

To resolve the “Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html” error, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that your server is configured to serve the correct MIME type for CSS files. Check your server’s configuration file (e.g., .htaccess for Apache or web.config for IIS) and verify that the MIME type for CSS files is set to “text/css.” If it’s not, update the configuration accordingly.
  2. Double-check the <link> element in your HTML file, making sure the “href” attribute points to the correct CSS file path, and the “rel” attribute is set to “stylesheet.”
  3. <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/your/stylesheet.css">
  4. Confirm that your CSS file has the correct “.css” extension, and the file is present in the specified location. If necessary, update the file extension and/or move the file to the correct directory.

If you have followed these steps and are still encountering the error, consider the following additional solutions:

  1. Inspect your CSS file for any syntax errors or issues that might prevent the file from being interpreted correctly.
  2. Clear your browser cache and reload the page to ensure you are not viewing a cached version with the incorrect MIME type.
  3. Test your site in multiple browsers to determine if the issue is browser-specific.

By addressing these potential causes, you should be able to resolve the “Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html” error and ensure your stylesheets are properly applied to your web pages.


Understanding MIME types and how they affect the interpretation of web resources is crucial for delivering properly functioning websites. By identifying the causes of the “Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html” error and implementing the solutions outlined above, you can ensure that your stylesheets are served correctly and your web pages render as intended.

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