Inside Which Element Do We Put the JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

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When it comes to adding JavaScript to your webpages, knowing where to place the code is essential for seamless integration and optimal performance. In this article, we’ll discuss the proper element to put your JavaScript code and how to include both internal and external scripts effectively. In this post, we will answer the question: Inside Which Element Do We Put the JavaScript?

Internal Scripts

When embedding JavaScript code directly into your HTML, you should place it inside the <script> element. The <script> element can be placed within the <head> or <body> sections of your HTML document, depending on the specific use case and performance considerations.

  // Your JavaScript code goes here

Although placing the <script> element within the <head> section is common, it may result in slower page loading times as the browser pauses HTML parsing to execute the script. To avoid this, you can either move the <script> element to the <body> section or use the “defer” or “async” attributes for external scripts (which we’ll discuss in the next section). Also, for more great tips please visit our JavaScript page

External Scripts

For external JavaScript files, you can use the <script> element with the “src” attribute. The “src” attribute should contain the URL of the external JavaScript file:

<script src="your-script.js"></script>

Similar to internal scripts, you can place the <script> element for external scripts in the <head> or <body> sections of your HTML document. However, using the “defer” or “async” attributes can help improve page loading performance:

  • defer: When using the “defer” attribute, the browser downloads the external script file while parsing the HTML but executes the script only after the HTML has been fully parsed.
  • async: The “async” attribute allows the browser to download and execute the script file asynchronously, without pausing the HTML parsing.
<script src="your-script.js" defer></script>
<script src="your-script.js" async></script>

Placement Best Practices

While the placement of the <script> element depends on your specific requirements, some best practices can help you ensure optimal performance:

  • Place the <script> element containing non-critical JavaScript code just before the closing </body> tag. This allows the browser to render the webpage without waiting for the JavaScript code to execute, resulting in faster page loading times.
  • If your JavaScript code must be executed before the page is rendered (e.g., modifying the DOM), place the <script> element within the <head> section and consider using the “defer” attribute for external scripts.
  • When using multiple <script> elements, be mindful of the order in which they are placed. If one script depends on another, ensure that the dependent script is placed after the script it relies on.

Performance Tips

In addition to proper placement, you can optimize your JavaScript code’s performance by following these tips:

  • Minify and compress your JavaScript files to reduce their size and improve loading times. There are various online tools and build processes, like Google Closure Compiler and UglifyJS, available for this purpose.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to host your external JavaScript files. CDNs can improve loading times by serving files from a server closest to the user.
  • Cache your JavaScript files, either by using browser caching or server-side caching techniques, to reduce the need for frequent downloads.


To summarize, place your JavaScript code inside the <script> element, which can be located in the <head> or <body> sections of your HTML document. The placement depends on your specific use case and performance considerations. Utilize the “defer” and “async” attributes for external scripts to improve page loading times and follow the best practices and performance tips outlined in this article. Good luck integrating JavaScript into your webpages!

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