How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python

7 Min Read

Learn How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python<,/h2>
In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to comment out multiple lines in Python using various techniques. Commenting out code is a useful way to temporarily disable parts of your code during development, testing, or debugging. So, let’s dive into different methods and best practices for commenting out multiple lines in Python.

Method 1: Using Triple Quotes

One way to comment out multiple lines in Python is by using triple quotes, either single quotes (''') or double quotes ("""). By enclosing a block of code with triple quotes, you can turn it into a multiline string, which is ignored by the Python interpreter during execution.

Here’s an example:

print("This line will be executed.")

print("This line won't be executed.")
print("Neither will this one.")

print("This line will be executed.")

Method 2: Using the Hash Symbol (#)

Another way to comment out multiple lines in Python is by using the hash symbol (#) at the beginning of each line you want to comment out. This method can be a bit tedious for larger blocks of code but is useful when you need to quickly comment out just a few lines.

Here’s an example:

print("This line will be executed.")
#print("This line won't be executed.")
#print("Neither will this one.")

print("This line will be executed.")

IDE and Text Editor Support

Most integrated development environments (IDEs) and text editors have built-in shortcuts for commenting out multiple lines of code. For example, in Visual Studio Code, you can select the lines you want to comment out and press Ctrl+/ (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+/ (Mac). This will automatically add or remove the hash symbol at the beginning of each selected line.

Here are some useful resources on how to comment out multiple lines in various IDEs and text editors:

For more Python tips and best practices, check out these articles from our blog:


In this tutorial, we discussed two methods for commenting out multiple lines in Python: using triple quotes and the hash symbol. We also mentioned IDE and text editor support for easily commenting out code. Remember that commenting out code is a valuable tool during development, testing, and debugging, but it’s important to keep your code clean and well-documented for long-term maintainability.

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Happy coding!

What is the shortcut to comment multiple lines in Python?

In Python, you can comment multiple lines by using triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “”” “””) or by adding a ‘#’ symbol at the beginning of each line. Some integrated development environments (IDEs) or code editors also provide keyboard shortcuts to comment multiple lines:

  • In PyCharm, use Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + / (macOS)
  • In Visual Studio Code, use Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + / (macOS)
  • In Sublime Text, use Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + / (macOS)

How do you comment multiple lines in Python using mouse?

To comment multiple lines in Python using a mouse, follow these steps:

  1. Select the lines of code you want to comment using the mouse.
  2. Right-click the selected lines.
  3. In the context menu, look for an option to comment out the selected lines (this option may vary depending on the code editor).

How do you comment a paragraph in Python?

To comment a paragraph in Python, you can either use triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “”” “””) to create a multi-line string, or add a ‘#’ symbol at the beginning of each line in the paragraph.

How do you line up comments in Python?

To line up comments in Python, you can use a consistent level of indentation for each comment line, aligning them with the code they are associated with or placing them at a specific column for better readability.

How do you comment a paragraph of code?

To comment a paragraph of code, you can use the appropriate comment syntax for the programming language you are working with. In Python, you can use triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “”” “””) or add a ‘#’ symbol at the beginning of each line in the paragraph.

How do you comment out a block of text in Python?

To comment out a block of text in Python, you can use triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “”” “””) to create a multi-line string, or add a ‘#’ symbol at the beginning of each line in the block.

How do you comment lines in coding?

To comment lines in coding, use the appropriate comment syntax for the programming language you are working with. For example, in Python, you can use the ‘#’ symbol for single-line comments, and triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “”” “””) for multi-line comments.

How do you comment out part of code?

To comment out part of the code, use the appropriate comment syntax for the programming language you are working with. In Python, you can use the ‘#’ symbol for single-line comments, and triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “”” “””) for multi-line comments. You can also use keyboard shortcuts provided by your code editor or IDE to comment out the selected lines of code quickly.

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