Godot YSort: Efficiently Organize Your 2D Game Objects

Godot YSort: Efficiently Organize Your 2D Game Objects

5 Min Read

When working on 2D games in Godot, managing the rendering order of game objects can be crucial for achieving a visually appealing and coherent game world. One effective method to organize your game objects is using Godot YSort. In this article, we’ll dive into the concept of YSort in Godot, explore its properties and benefits, and provide code examples to help you implement it in your game projects.

Understanding the Godot YSort Node

The YSort node in Godot is a special node designed to automatically sort its children based on their Y position. This is particularly useful when working with 2D games, as it ensures that objects closer to the camera are rendered in front of objects further away, creating a sense of depth and proper occlusion.

YSort sorts its children based on the Y value of their global position, so objects with a higher Y value are rendered behind objects with a lower Y value. This approach provides a simple and efficient solution for handling the rendering order of objects in a 2D game world.

Adding and Configuring a YSort Node

Adding a YSort node to your game project is straightforward. In the Godot editor, simply click on the “Add Node” button (or press Ctrl+A) and search for “YSort” in the search bar. Add the YSort node as a child of your scene’s root node or any other node where you want to manage the rendering order of its children.

# Adding a YSort node via GDScript
var y_sort = YSort.new()

Once you have the YSort node in your scene, you can add your game objects as children of the YSort node. These objects can be Sprites, Tilemaps, or any other 2D nodes. YSort will automatically handle the sorting of these objects based on their Y position.

Customizing YSort Sorting

By default, the YSort node works with the global Y position of its children. However, you can customize the sorting behavior using the “Sort” property in the YSort node’s Inspector panel. By setting the “Sort” property to a custom sorting function, you can define how the YSort node should sort its children. This allows for more precise control over the rendering order and greater flexibility in managing complex game scenes.

func custom_sort(a: Node, b: Node) -> int:
    return a.global_position.y - b.global_position.y

func _ready():
    $YSort.sort_func = funcref(self, "custom_sort")

In the example above, we define a custom sorting function called `custom_sort`, which compares the global Y position of two nodes and returns the difference. We then assign this custom sorting function to the “Sort” property of our YSort node using the `funcref` function.


Godot YSort is a powerful feature that allows you to efficiently manage the rendering order of your 2D game objects. By understanding and utilizing YSort, you can create visually appealing and coherent game worlds with ease. With the addition of custom sorting functions, you gain even more control over your game’s visuals and can adapt YSort to suit your specific needs.

For more information on Godot features, such as Tilemaps, or other aspects like game development, be sure to explore our other articles and resources.

Now that you have a solid understanding of Godot YSort, you can confidently implement it in your game projects to create visually consistent and organized 2D game worlds. Whether you’re working on a simple platformer or a complex top-down game, mastering YSort will undoubtedly enhance your game’s overall presentation and ensure an engaging gaming experience for your players.

As you continue to explore the many features and capabilities of the Godot game engine, you’ll find that it offers a wealth of tools and resources for game developers at every skill level. From its powerful scripting language, GDScript, to its vast library of nodes and built-in functionality, Godot makes it easy to create professional-quality games that are both fun to play and visually stunning.

Keep experimenting, learning, and mastering new techniques, and soon you’ll be on your way to becoming an expert Godot game developer. Happy game making!

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