What are StatefulSets in Kubernetes? | Codabase

What are StatefulSets in Kubernetes?

13 Min Read

As Kubernetes has become the go-to container orchestration platform, developers need to understand the various resources available to manage their applications. One such resource is the StatefulSet, which is crucial for managing stateful applications in a Kubernetes cluster. In this blog post, we’ll explore what StatefulSets are, how they work, and provide in-depth code examples to help you get started with stateful applications in Kubernetes.

Stateful vs. Stateless Applications

Before diving into StatefulSets, it’s essential to understand the difference between stateful and stateless applications. Stateless applications don’t maintain any client-specific data between requests, making them easy to scale horizontally. Examples of stateless applications include web servers, REST APIs, and front-end applications. In Kubernetes, stateless applications can be managed using Deployments and ReplicaSets.

Stateful applications, on the other hand, maintain client-specific data between requests, making them more challenging to scale and manage. Examples of stateful applications include databases, message queues, and caching systems. In Kubernetes, stateful applications can be managed using StatefulSets, which is the focus of this blog post.

What are StatefulSets?

StatefulSets are a Kubernetes resource designed to manage stateful applications in a predictable and scalable manner. They provide guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of Pods, ensuring that each Pod has a stable hostname based on its index (e.g., web-0, web-1, etc.). This feature allows applications to maintain their state across Pod rescheduling and updates. StatefulSets also work closely with Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to ensure that each Pod in the StatefulSet has its own persistent storage.

Some key features of StatefulSets include:

  • Stable, unique network identifiers.
  • Stable, persistent storage.
  • Ordered, graceful deployment and scaling.
  • Ordered, automated rolling updates.

For more information on StatefulSets and other Kubernetes resources, visit CodaBase’s Kubernetes category.

Creating a StatefulSet

Now that you have an understanding of StatefulSets, let’s create one for a simple stateful application. In this example, we’ll deploy a PostgreSQL database using a StatefulSet. First, create a ConfigMap to store the database configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: postgres-config
  POST GRES_USER: "postgres"
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "mysecretpassword"
POSTGRES_DB: "postgres"

Next, create a Service to expose the PostgreSQL database:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: postgres
    app: postgres
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 5432
      targetPort: 5432
  clusterIP: None

Now, create the StatefulSet with a corresponding PersistentVolumeClaim template:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: postgres
  serviceName: "postgres"
  replicas: 1
      app: postgres
        app: postgres
        - name: postgres
          image: postgres:13.4
            - configMapRef:
                name: postgres-config
            - containerPort: 5432
              name: postgres
            - name: pgdata
              mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
    - metadata:
        name: pgdata
        accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
            storage: 1Gi

With these configuration files in place, apply them to your Kubernetes cluster using the kubectl command:

kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl apply -f statefulset.yaml

Your PostgreSQL database is now running as a StatefulSet in your Kubernetes cluster, with stable network identifiers and persistent storage. You can scale the StatefulSet up or down, and Kubernetes will handle the deployment and updates in an ordered manner.

What is stateful and stateless set in Kubernetes?

In Kubernetes, a stateful set is a higher-level abstraction that manages the deployment and scaling of stateful applications, ensuring that each replica maintains its unique identity and persistent storage. In contrast, a stateless set refers to the deployment of applications without any persistent storage, and the replicas can be easily replaced without affecting the application’s overall functionality.

What is the difference between stateful set and deployment in Kubernetes?

A stateful set in Kubernetes is used for deploying and managing stateful applications, ensuring that each replica has a unique identity and persistent storage. In contrast, a deployment is primarily used for managing stateless applications, focusing on scaling and updating the replicas without the need for maintaining their individual state.

What is the difference between stateful and stateless pods in Kubernetes?

Stateful pods in Kubernetes are designed to maintain their unique identity and state across restarts, with each replica having its own persistent storage. Stateless pods, on the other hand, do not maintain any state information, and their replicas can be easily replaced without affecting the application’s functionality.

What is the difference between stateful set and replica set?

A stateful set is a higher-level abstraction in Kubernetes for managing stateful applications, ensuring that each replica has a unique identity and persistent storage. A replica set is a lower-level abstraction that focuses on maintaining a specified number of replicas for a pod, without taking into account the stateful nature of the application.

What is the difference between stateful set and DaemonSet?

A stateful set is used for deploying and managing stateful applications in Kubernetes, ensuring that each replica has a unique identity and persistent storage. A DaemonSet, on the other hand, is used for deploying system-level applications that must run on every node in the cluster or on a specific subset of nodes.

What is the difference between deployment and StatefulSet?

The primary difference between a deployment and a StatefulSet in Kubernetes is their focus on application state. Deployments are used for managing stateless applications, while StatefulSets are designed for managing stateful applications that require unique identities and persistent storage for their replicas.

What is an example of StatefulSet?

An example of a StatefulSet could be a distributed database like MongoDB or Cassandra. These databases require each replica to maintain its unique identity and state, ensuring that data is consistently distributed and replicated across the cluster.

What is StatefulSet used for?

StatefulSets are used in Kubernetes for deploying and managing stateful applications that require unique identities and persistent storage for their replicas. They ensure that each replica has a consistent network identity, allowing applications to maintain their state across restarts and updates.

What is the difference between Statefulset and persistent volume?

A StatefulSet is a Kubernetes abstraction used for deploying and managing stateful applications, ensuring that each replica has a unique identity and persistent storage. A persistent volume (PV), on the other hand, is a storage resource in Kubernetes that provides long-term storage for applications, decoupled from the lifecycle of individual pods. StatefulSets utilize persistent volumes to provide the necessary storage for maintaining the state of each replica in the set.

How do StatefulSets and Persistent Volumes work together?

StatefulSets and Persistent Volumes work together in Kubernetes to provide stateful applications with consistent storage and network identities. When a StatefulSet is created, it generates a unique hostname for each replica, based on a defined pattern. This ensures that each replica can be uniquely identified within the cluster.

To maintain persistent storage, a StatefulSet can utilize Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) templates. When a new replica is created, the StatefulSet controller generates a PVC for each replica, based on the PVC template. This PVC is then used to request a Persistent Volume, which provides the storage for the replica. As a result, even if a replica is rescheduled or restarted, it retains its data using the associated Persistent Volume.

Managing updates and scaling in StatefulSets

StatefulSets allow for ordered updates and scaling, ensuring that application state is preserved during these processes. When updating a StatefulSet, Kubernetes applies the update to one replica at a time, following the defined order. This ensures that the application remains available and consistent during the update process.

Similarly, when scaling a StatefulSet, replicas are added or removed in a specific order. When scaling up, new replicas are created with unique identities and associated Persistent Volumes. When scaling down, replicas are removed in reverse order, ensuring that the application state remains consistent.

Benefits of using StatefulSets in Kubernetes

StatefulSets provide several benefits for stateful applications in Kubernetes, including:

  • Consistent network identities: Each replica has a unique and predictable hostname, making it easier to manage and maintain stateful applications.
  • Persistent storage: StatefulSets utilize Persistent Volumes to ensure that each replica has consistent and durable storage for maintaining its state.
  • Ordered updates and scaling: Updates and scaling operations are performed in a specific order, ensuring application consistency and availability during these processes.

Examples of StatefulSet use cases

StatefulSets are particularly useful for applications that require stable network identities and persistent storage. Some common use cases for StatefulSets in Kubernetes include:

  • Databases: StatefulSets are ideal for deploying databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, where each replica requires a unique identity and persistent storage to maintain data consistency.
  • Distributed systems: Distributed systems, such as Apache Kafka and Apache ZooKeeper, rely on consistent network identities and storage for coordination and data replication. StatefulSets can help manage and scale these systems effectively.
  • Caching systems: Stateful caching systems, like Redis, can benefit from the unique identity and persistence provided by StatefulSets to maintain cache data across restarts and updates.

StatefulSet limitations and alternatives

While StatefulSets are an excellent choice for managing stateful applications, they do come with some limitations. For instance, they do not support rapid scaling and updates, as these operations are performed in an ordered manner. Furthermore, StatefulSets can be more complex to manage compared to other Kubernetes resources like Deployments or ReplicaSets.
In some cases, alternatives to StatefulSets may be more appropriate for your application. For example:

  • Deployments: If your application is stateless or can handle state externally, a Deployment may be a simpler and more efficient option. Deployments manage stateless applications and support rapid scaling and updates.
  • DaemonSets: If you need to run a single instance of your application on each node in your cluster, a DaemonSet might be more suitable. DaemonSets ensure that a single replica of your application is running on every eligible node.

By using StatefulSets in Kubernetes, you can efficiently deploy, manage, and scale stateful applications while maintaining their unique identities and state across restarts and updates.


StatefulSets are an essential resource for managing stateful applications in Kubernetes. By understanding how they work and using them effectively, you can deploy and manage complex stateful applications with ease. For more information on Kubernetes and its resources, check out the official Kubernetes documentation.

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